Avon Homeowners’ Guide To Effective Mouse Control

house mouse crawling in kitchen

Mice may be to blame if you hear scratching sounds in the walls or notice food packages that are ripped open. Mouse infestations are common in our area, especially during the colder weather. Mice frequently enter homes for shelter and sources of food and water. House mice, in particular, are commensal rodents, which means they are happy to share our food. 

Deer mice are more common outdoors; however, they will enter our homes and nest in attics, crawl spaces, and basements. At the first sign of mice in your house, contact an Avon pest control company as soon as possible. Mice pose a danger to your family’s health and your home’s structure.

Clear Signs Of Mice In Your House

The following are some clear signs of mice in your house to watch for:

  • Damaged food goods are a sign of mice; they are especially fond of seeds and cereals but will eat most of what we do.
  • Finding gnaw marks on walls or furniture in your home is a definite sign of a mouse problem.
  • Mouse droppings are another clear indication of mice; their droppings are ⅛ to ¼ of an inch long, rod-shaped, and pointed on the ends.
  • Mice follow pathways in your home; along these trails, you may see greasy rub marks, footprints, and droppings.
  • Seeing an actual rodent is the surest sign. House mice are between two and four inches (not including the tail) and are grey with cream-colored undersides. Deer mice are five to eight inches (including the tail) and are brown with white undersides and feet.

If you notice any of the above mouse infestation signs, contact a company with experience in mouse control.

Why Mice Are A Problem Inside Avon Homes

Having a mouse infestation in your home is not only a hassle, but they also pose a risk to the health of your family and the actual structure of your home. Some diseases mice carry can cause serious health problems like leptospirosis, lymphocytic tularemia, and salmonellosis. Additionally, mouse droppings and urine can trigger asthma and allergies. 

Besides the danger to your health, mice can cause a lot of damage to our homes. Mice gnaw on things to keep their teeth from overgrowing; you may find gnaw marks on furniture or walls. Fresh gnaw marks will be rough in appearance, while older ones will appear smooth. Mice in walls can also cause a lot of damage. House mice will chew on electrical wires, creating a potential fire hazard. 

Techniques To Keep Mice Away From Your Home

Here are some techniques you can employ to keep mice away from your home: 

  • People often find themselves with a mouse problem when there is a lot of clutter in and around their homes. Reducing clutter reduces hiding spots that mice can nest in.
  • Be sure to store all food, including pet food, in rodent-proof containers.
  • Check outside your home and seal any cracks or openings larger than ¼ of an inch wide.
  • Ensure all home areas are kept clean and dry, including attics, basements, and crawl spaces.
  • Frequently dispose of garbage and be sure the containers are well sealed.

Prevention is the best mouse control available, but if you notice signs of mice in your house, call the pros immediately.

Call The Pros At The First Sign Of Mice In Your Home

Because of the diseases mice carry and the damage they can cause in a home, it is crucial to reach out if you notice any signs of mice. At RAM Pest Control, our technicians can help eliminate your mouse problem and help you keep mice away in the future. Contact us today to request your free inspection.

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