The Secret To Getting Rid Of Bed Bugs In Your Eagle Home

bed bug crawling on a sheet

Bed bugs are more than just a nuisance. They disrupt your life by making it impossible to rest comfortably at night. However, RAM Wildlife & Pest Management uses the most up-to-date tools and resources to end your bed bug infestation, allowing you to return to nights of uninterrupted sleep. Read on to learn more about these insidious insects and how pest control can kill bed bugs in your home.

Bed Bug Bites Are Usually The First Sign Of A Problem

Waking up to itchy rashes, bumps, and welts are clear indicators that you have a serious insect problem that you need to address. And if those issues weren’t enough to convince you that there’s an insect issue, check out the signs below that you may have a bed bug infestation on your hands:

  • Rusty, dark spots (excrement) on your mattresses, sheets, bed clothes, and walls.
  • Musty, offensive odors, which insects release from their sweat glands.
  • Shed skins, eggshells, and fecal stains in areas where bugs hide.
  • Blood stains on your pillowcases and sheets.

If you have an inkling that bed bugs have infested your home, you can check items around your bed, like the edge of the carpet, inside books, and your closet. Bed bugs like to burrow within clothing. If you are still uncertain about the type of insect you have, reach out to bed bug pest control in Eagle for additional assistance.

Why Bed Bugs Like To Bite Sleeping People

When most people go to bed at night, they don’t expect to wake up with unexplained bumps and rashes. But that’s the unfortunate consequence when bed bugs invade your home. They’re nocturnal creatures that nestle within the seams of your mattress and lie in wait for you to drift off to dreamland before making their move. As a result, unsuspecting people can experience trouble sleeping due to these insects’ nightly feedings. Below are seven areas of the body that bed bugs tend to nibble on while you slumber:

  • Neck
  • Armpits
  • Hands
  • Legs
  • Arms
  • Shoulders
  • Face

These insects can also inflict bites on your inner thighs and behind your knees, essentially, any area where there is exposed skin.

Do-It-Yourself Bed Bug Control Is A Waste Of Time And  Money

Do-it-yourself (DIY) and home remedies are getting a lot of attention these days, with many people opting to use basic items to solve household mishaps. And although implementing these simple techniques may be worthwhile in resolving minor issues, proper bed bug control is a serious matter that requires a serious solution. Wasting time on methods that don’t work the first or even second time will result in wasting money while inadvertently allowing the infestation to worsen. If you think an infestation is in your home, you’ll save time and money by contacting your local pest control for bed bugs when you suspect your home.

Contact The Pros At The First Sign Of Bed Bugs in Your Home

No question choosing to use a professional pest control company is the best decision when faced with a bed bug infestation. Experienced technicians use the most effective bed bug control techniques to rid your home of these insects quickly. Home remedies and do-it-yourself (DIY) methods won’t yield the same results.

At RAM Wildlife & Pest Management, we have over 25 years of experience in the pest control industry under our belts. We work with our customers one-on-one to devise a customized strategy to employ the most effective pest control to kill bed bugs. Our services will not just meet your expectations but will exceed them, ensuring your complete satisfaction. Get in touch with us today to schedule your free, no-risk inspection. 

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