The Answer To Keeping Pest Birds Away From Your Eagle Property

group of pigeons on sidewalk

There is no better way to start an early summer morning than waking up to birds chirping outside your window. Keeping down the bug population( a single sparrow can eat over a thousand mosquitoes a day), adding a cheerful soundtrack to our days, and pooping on neighbor's cars-birds sure are a gift that keeps on giving.

But like anything else in life, too much of a good thing can quickly become less of a boon and more of a horror show. From stripping your orchard bare of anything edible to transmitting a number of dangerous and contagious diseases, the cost of mitigating the damage caused by an out-of-control bird population can be significant.

Let's take a look at common bird species in our state, what you can do to deter them away from your home, how to control bird population on your property, and where to find top-notch pest control in the Eagle area if DIY methods and prevention didn't do the trick.

Types Of Pest Birds Common To The Area

With hundreds of bird species calling the United States their home, identifying a particular type that wants to call your property home can be difficult, but it is a necessary first step in DIY or professional pest control bird removal.

Thankfully most bird species don't want to have much to do with us or our homes. In our part of the state, you're likely to encounter these birds:

  • American robin
  • Downy woodpecker
  • American Goldfinch
  • House sparrow
  • House finch
  • American crow
  • Red-winged blackbird
  • European starling
  • Brown-headed cowbird
  • House wren
  • Morning dove
  • Rock pigeon

Bird population exploding out of control is often a sign that their natural food source, bugs, is multiplying out of control. An effective start to figuring out how to control birds in your yard is ensuring that abundant bug supply is not drawing them.

The Many Problems Roosting Birds Can Create On Your Property

Birds looking for a place to build a nest are attracted to secluded, hard-to-get-to spots like gutters and vents, often resulting in clogged gutters and plugged-up vents. The stains from bird poop are impossible to get off and acidic enough to eat through car paint, given enough time.

Besides the damage birds can inflict on your property, a bird infestation also exposes you to a number of dangerous and infectious diseases, such as:

  • Histoplasmosis
  • Cryptococcosis
  • Campylobacteriosis
  • Psiherettacosis
  • Avian tuberculosis
  • Salmonella

The common pigeon, one of the most prevalent birds in our state, is considered the most prolific spreader of diseases in the avian kingdom, carrying a number of bacterial and fungal infections. Birds are also often infested with ticks and fleas, which come with their own extensive transferable diseases.

Simple Tips To Deter Birds Around Your Property

Effective preventative wildlife control is often simply a matter of removing things that attract birds from your property. Avoid planting berry plants or cover them with bird netting, make sure there are no water features to attract birds, and trim the tree branches to remove good nesting places. Keeping food and water out of their reach and installing a few simple motion deterrents (flags or even simple pieces of foil tied to tree branches) will also go a long way toward keeping birds off your property.

The Most Effective Bird Control Solution For Your Property

Unfortunately, prevention aside, most DIY bird control methods are not very effective. Visual scares (like a fake owl) rarely work for any length of time; trapping is complicated and labor-intensive, and sticky non-toxic repellants require maintenance, as they collect dust and dirt and need reapplication regularly.

At RAM Wildlife and Pest Management, we specialize in the humane removal of wildlife and effective residential pest control if your property is under siege by birds-give us a call today!

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