Edwards Homeowners' Handy Bed Bug Prevention Guide

a bed bug on furniture

When you wake up to itchy, red bumps on your skin, it’s a bad start to your day, but you might not think about it the next night. Once it happens a few times, though, a peaceful night’s sleep becomes a little less peaceful, and the thought of lying down in your comfortable bed feels a little less comforting. The more you learn about bed bugs, the more you’ll realize that they are a common problem and that they can be more dangerous than you give them credit for.

Home-Invading Hitchhikers

You may think that bed bugs will never invade your home since they only invade dirty homes… right? The truth is, bed bugs invading only dirty homes is one of the most common misconceptions about these pests. Bed bugs will invade any home they can gain access to.

These small pests don’t move around very quickly, which is why they wait until you’re asleep to come out and feed on your blood. However, they are very skilled hitchhikers that can travel the world and wind up right inside your home. Once they’re in your house, they’ll infest almost any piece of furniture, from mattresses to couches and office chairs alike. They will also hide under carpets, in cracks in walls, and inside electronic devices.

One of the most common ways that bed bugs hitchhike into Edwards homes is via luggage. You’d be surprised (and alarmed) at the number of travelers who have picked up bed bugs in various hotels throughout the world. Many travel hubs like airport terminals and bus stations are also high-risk areas for picking up bed bugs. If you leave your bag on the floor or next to another person’s bag for too long, bed bugs might crawl onto yours and end up in your house.

Here’s some free advice: when you go to a hotel, don’t unpack your suitcase on your bed. Use the luggage stand or put your bag up on a dresser or table.

Along with traveling and staying in hotels, another high-risk way to pick up a bed bug infestation is by purchasing secondhand furniture. You should always check any furniture for signs of a bed bug infestation before bringing it into the house. Remember: bed bugs will cling on to any piece of furniture, not just mattresses. Even items bought from commercial buildings, and even kitchen appliances, need to be checked thoroughly.

Preventing Prolonged Infestations

Many homeowners don’t realize they’ve brought bed bugs into their home until the infestation is out of control. Keep in mind that bed bugs are very small and only come out when it is dark. Therefore, you’re more likely to witness signs of a bed bug infestation before you see the actual bugs. These signs include:

  • Bloodstains left behind from feeding
  • Rust-colored rings from excrement
  • Musty odors
  • Itchy, red bumps on your skin in a straight line or zig-zag pattern. If many bugs have bitten you, the bites will likely be in a cluster and there may be a rash surrounding them.

Now, here’s the really important part: if you do see the signs, get professional help immediately. Trying to get rid of bed bugs on your own will almost always result in a prolonged infestation as store-bought sprays and home remedies will only get a small fraction of the entire infestation. This puts you at risk of skin irritation, insomnia, and anemia that can occur during lengthy bed bug infestations. If you want to get rid of bed bugs, then professional solutions will be your only guaranteed method: call RAM Pest Control at the first sign of bed bugs to avoid these serious health detriments.

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