What To Do If You Think You Have Bed Bugs In Vail

bedding in a home

You are reading this article because you think something is happening inside your home. Perhaps you have noticed red bumps appearing on your body. Maybe you have seen tiny stains on the sheets. Whatever the case, you suspect you may have bed bugs. 

If you think you have bed bugs, you need bed bug control in Vail from RAM Pest Control. Our family-owned and operated company has removed bed bugs and other pests from local homes for almost two decades. As a member of the National Pest Management Association, we work to exceed your expectations while continuing to expand our knowledge as a company.

Why Bed Bug Infestations Can Be Difficult To Identify

Bed bugs move through the house between midnight and 5 am to feed on their hosts. Furthermore, until they reach adulthood, additional magnification is necessary to see bed bugs. Despite these issues, you can determine if you have a bed bug infestation by looking for the following: 

  • Bites
  • Reddish-brown stains
  • Bed bugs
  • Discarded egg shells
  • Molt skins
  • Eggs
  • Odor

Red, itchy bumps in a cluster or row on exposed body areas are indications of bed bugs. Look for the other items on our list inside mattress seams, upholstered furniture crevices, behind headboards, picture frames, wallpaper, inside electrical outlets, and cracks between the floors and baseboard. Use a magnifying glass when searching to discover eggs, discarded egg shells, and molt skins.

RAM Pest Control technicians know the signs of a bed bug invasion and can assist or confirm your suspicion.

How Bed Bugs Get Inside Vail Homes

Unlike cockroaches, ants, and other insects, bed bugs do not enter homes from the surrounding yard. Instead, they use public transportation venues (e.g., hotels, motels, restaurants, and theaters) to move from person to person. They also catch rides on new hosts traveling on public buses, subways, cabs, etc. and come into homes on clothing, bags, and shoes.

Of the areas mentioned, hotels and motels are notorious for bed bugs. When guests stay in these locations, bed bugs crawl into their luggage or clothing when they leave them on the floor. Another way bed bugs enter homes is by riding in the cracks of used upholstered furniture. 

When you see signs of bed bugs in your house, secure bed bug treatment from RAM Pest Control.

Why Bed Bug Activity Needs To Be Addressed Immediately

Unfortunately, it takes only one fertilized bed bug to begin a bed bug infestation. A female bed bug produces one to seven eggs daily for ten days after it consumes a blood meal. During its brief lifetime, one female bed bug delivers over 100 offspring. 

Under optimal conditions (>70℉), 5 to 20 eggs will hatch after 37 days with a 1:1 male-to-female ratio. The process repeats with the original bed bug and now two to ten additional fertilized females. With this high reproduction rate, it is understandable how a bed bug population can double every 16 days inside a Vail home.

RAM Pest Control offers bed bug control services in Vail to stop bed bugs from overrunning your home.

Your Source For Bed Bug Control In Vail

RAM Pest Control offers free bed bug inspections. Our technician will investigate your location for bed bugs signs and hot spots. Bed bugs can sometimes evade traditional treatments because they can hide in cracks and crevices the width of a credit card. Therefore, we offer bed bug heat treatment because heat can penetrate the entire house, and bed bugs cannot escape. 

After heating the home for several hours, we use a product treatment to ensure no bed bugs survive. We will return after a few days to follow up on the treatment progress and retreat if necessary.  

Contact us today to learn more and schedule your free bed bug inspection.

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